About Datacair

We care about your data

Independence & Confidentiality. The two key aspects of Datacair. We guarantee you that your data is safe.

About datacair


While the worldwide aviation grew rapidly in the last 20 years of the past century, the air cargo capacity, and especially the need for this fast type of transportation, became very popular. Airlines started to appoint General Sales Agents (GSA) in foreign countries to maximize their yields on aircraft roundtrips. The GSA’s also offered their services to other airlines. While individual airlines were equipped with a reservation system, the GSA’s felt the need for a GSA inhouse solution to accommodate the data of multiple airlines. And this is where we, datacair, in the early years stepped in.

Datacair offered, by that time, IT services to a couple of GSA companies in Switzerland. And all of them struggled with the same issues: they needed an inhouse solution for their air cargo bookings. Not only to store the details of the shipments, but also to create invoices towards customers and reporting tools to hand over to airlines. A long journey followed, with many different systems and platforms. From a basic software solution in the early eighties to an advanced Windows application fully integrated in Microsoft’s Dynamics Navision.

Besides of supplying customers with software solutions, the need for airfreight back office services started to grow as well. With young, motivated and well experienced air cargo professionals, datacair back office solutions was successfully launched.


Nowadays the IT part (software development, IT services) of datacair has been split off and accommodated in a separate and dedicated company called DC-BI. That means that datacair has become a full service back office supplier for the air cargo industry.

As an independent back office supplier, and with offices in many countries, datacair is able to offer you the service you need. Fully equipped with the latest technologies, datacair can take over your back office work in the way you require. We know your business. We adapt to your needs.

Datacair works with multiple cloud services. Software wise and also storage wise. We can work from any place in the world and we access our highly secured data also from there. All of these services are secured by the latest and most modern solutions and technologies. All our staff is carefully screened and each and every individual has signed an NDA. Yes, you are right: we care about your data.

Datacair’s headquarter is located in Spain (Barcelona) and this is also the base of Magdalena Kurzynowska. Magdalena is the Network Operations Manager of datacair and she, with all of her experience, is overall responsible for the day to day business of all the datacair offices.

Towards the future

The air cargo industry is always on the move. Today the Chinese market is booming. Tomorrow the USA is going through the roof. And we navigate along. We realise that todays technology is outdated next year. So we keep close eye on the developments. We adapt constantly to the latest standards and wherever we can, we would rather be ahead of the mass.

Our aim is to be better in the future than we are today. That’s going to be hard but we know there is always room for improvement.

Interested in our services? Want to know what we can offer you? Please do not hesitate to contact us and we would be pleased to welcome you onboard soon.